This season we are calling on all our dedicated Members to get another Member to sign up to a Western Bulldogs Membership in 2012 to receive some great benefits from the Club. 

Under the Get One initiative - every Member who signs up another Member to the Dogs will receive a reward in recognition of their efforts. 

As a Dog Catcher you can earn the following rewards:

  • Exclusive Avatar - Every member that recruits even just 1 member will be sent an exclusive avatar to promote on your social media page. Show all your family and friends that you have recruited a member to become a part of the Wester Front. 
  • Recruit 1 Member - $5 Bulldogs Central Gift Voucher 
  • Recruit 5 Members - $50 Bulldogs Central Gift Voucher 
  • Recruit 10 Members - $200 Bulldogs Central Gift Voucher 
  • Grand Prize (most members recruited) - An interstate trip for two to a Bulldogs interstate match including return airfares, two nights accommodation at the Teams’ hotel, reserved seats and transfers to and from the game. PLUS courtesy of Bulldogs Friendly Business, Which Wine Is That, you will receive a hosted Wine Tasting Party for up to 12 people in your own home (valued at up to $600)

So sign up your friends, family and work colleagues today so we can fill the stadium with Red, White and Blue this season! 

To make sure you are eligible for your reward:

Once you have ‘caught’ a member - they can purchase their 2012 Western Bulldogs Membership by calling 1300 GO DOGS (46 36 47) or online here.

To ensure you receive your reward - make sure your new member quotes your Western Bulldogs Membership number (not barcode number) which can be found on the reverse of your Membership Card. 

If the new member purchases their membership using the ‘Get One’ online form - one of our membership services team members will contact them asking for your membership number. 

Once your new recruit has signed up and quoted your membership number - it will be acknowledged on your membership account and your reward will be made available!