Warning: This featureon Tom Williams will not include an update on the health of his dodgy ankle

Warning number two: Youmay be surprised to learn how Tom has exploited his injury

“WHEN I was living with Ryan Griffen and Farren Ray I usedto get out of chores and cooking dinner just because of my foot,” Tom Williamssays. “I probably still do it a bit too much, even though I’m notinjured.”

Besides the evident pleasure he takes in avoiding householdtasks, Williams, 20, is relieved to finally be experiencing life on the AFL field.

His conversations with footy journalists, he says, havetaken a turn for the better now that he has five senior games under his belt.

“They ask about my football now,” he says. “Interviews are alot more satisfying.”

Apart from “not doing rehab” the Queenslander says playing atthe highest level has been his proudest achievement since making his debut thisyear against Richmondin round four.

If the team’s hard work pays off like Williams’ own persistence,the Queenslander looks towards a possible finals campaign with the Bulldogs.

“I try as hard as I can to be ignorant of the situation,”Williams says. “But obviously you do feel the pressure that every game iscrucial.”

This weekend’s game against Essendon is a classic example ofwhy Williams uses the word "pressure".

Just 0.2 percentage points separate the two sides which,along with several others, are fighting for a spot in the top eight.

“We have a few players out with injury but it doesn’t fazeus too much,’ Williams said. “It’s a crucial game just like every week.”

Perhaps Williams’ relaxed attitude regarding the club’s latest‘eight-point game’ can be attributed to the amount of sport he immersed himselfin as a teenager.

“I played a lot of sports so I could get out of study,” hesays. “Basketball, swimming, cricket – anything to keep my mother off my back.”

He’ll no doubt have a chance to discuss this with his mumwhen he celebrates his 21st birthday in a few days’ time.


How do you think theWallabies will go in this year’s World Cup?

“I’m not sure they’ll win the World Cup but I think theycould go a long way like they have in the past. Although if you’d asked mebefore they played the Tri Nations I would have said zero chance.”

Are there anysimilarities between you and your Channel Seven namesake?

My abs are more chiselled than his, but he is a betterdancer. When I hit the floor I’m usually worried about knocking people outbecause I have all these long limbs.

If you were given achance on Dancing with the Stars,which style would you choose to perform?

Breakdance. I’d throw in a bit of sprinkler and maybe thelawnmower into the routine as well.

How’s your form in thenightclubs, dancing-wise that is?

 I don’t go out on thedancefloor by myself as I have a tendency to crash and burn. I like to have afew other idiots to come out with me. Also, I need to be fairly loose by thetime I get out there.

When was the last timeyou crashed and burned?

I won’t go into details, but basically last weekend. I wentto dance and someone shut me down. Actually, it was a whole crowd of people –to be honest I don’t want to go into it.

The views in this story are those of the author and notnecessarily those of the club