It’s with great sadness that the Western Bulldogs announce the passing of Eddie Walsh, Life Member and the Club’s longest serving employee, at Western Hospital earlier today.

The 89 year old spent over 71 years at the Club - predominantly as a volunteer - beginning in 1940 as Secretary for the Thirds and more recently as property steward.

In August 2011, the Club named the Eddie Walsh Property Room in recognition of his loyalty and work over seven decades at Whitten Oval.

Bulldogs President David Smorgon said today that all involved at the Club were deeply saddened by Walsh’s passing.

“It’s a very sad day for our football club. Today we lost a very important member of our Bulldog family”.

From Eddie recently: 

“We have had good times and we have had bad times but the best time of my involvement is now. We have a successful playing side and our facilities are second to none. 

"The players that we have today are a good bunch but some things will never change and you still get the ones who complain about things not being quite right, their jumpers or shorts are just not the perfect fit. 

"I am a Bulldog fanatic and will be until I die, all I can see is red, white and blue."


The Western Bulldogs pass on our sincerest condolences to Eddie’s family at this very sad time.