The LeasePlan Western Bulldogs will welcome 59 new Australian citizens at a ceremony to be held in the Elite Learning Centre on Saturday morning.

The Australian Citizenship Ceremony is being hosted by the Western Bulldogs in conjunction with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

The conferees, from Africa, Asia and Europe, will receive an official “Welcome to Country” from Wurunjderi Elder Doreen Garvey Wandin before taking part in official proceedings.

Among those being granted citizenship will be 96-year old Thi Huan Hua from Vietnam. She will be one of five conferees over the age of 60.

Members of tomorrow’s welcoming party include the Hon. Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Employment Participation and Federal Member for Gorton, Victorian State Director for DIAC, John Williams, Western Bulldogs President, David Smorgon, Western Bulldogs Chief Executive, Campbell Rose and Acting Mayor for Maribyrnong City Council, Catherine Cumming.

The welcoming party will present each citizen with a certificate to confirm their status, a native tree and Western Bulldogs showbag.

The conclusion of the ceremony will include everyone singing the national anthem and Western Bulldogs theme song, Sons of the West.

Some of our newest citizens will then head to the MCG to watch the Bulldogs match against Brisbane. They will join around 1500 other people from multicultural communities across the western region at the game as part of the Club’s community match day activities.

The minister and DIAC representatives will also attend the game at the President’s Club luncheon where David Smorgon will make a special presentation.