Bulldogs Member and lifelong supporter, Alda Stein grew up two drop kicks and a handball from Whitten Oval, she can still remember playing in her parents backyard and hearing the roars of the crowd coming from the ground and wishing she could belong to that enjoyment.  

Well now she can forever… 

Alda is the latest getting on board the Buy a Seat campaign and leaving her mark, and as a first generation Italian/Australian, Alda is honouring her parents with a tribute in Italian - Forza e Coraggio I Canni.  

Alda says the message, which translates to Courage and Strength is how her parents lived their lives through the war and in the new country.  From Alda’s seat in the EJ Whitten Stand, she can almost see her parent’s house in Buckley Street.  

“From when my parents settled here in 1955, they followed the Bulldogs and were part of a strong Italian supporter group through the 50’s and 60’s”, Alda said. 

And Alda has carried on the family tradition by marrying a Bulldog man; her husband Andrew and his family also have a strong connection to the Club making the entire Stein/Malvaso crew all Bulldogs with both sets of parents, siblings and children proud to be red, white and blue and, all of them now honoured in some way with a seat in the iconic stand.

Andrew has used a message on his plaque to pay homage to his father and uncles.  Meet you at the Can Bar, refers to the place where Andrew’s family would meet, with the cans used to prop up Andrew to watch the game when he was younger.

The final message from the Stein family to the players, members and fans - It is impossible to win the victory unless you dare to battle.  

With all funds raised from this initiative supporting the Bulldogs debt reduction campaign, the Stein’s purchase has contributed towards the Club in more ways than one and goes a long way towards giving the Club the best chance at winning.