Melbourne’s weather turned it on with a perfect Summer’s day to greet 25 eager cricketers from Newport Islamic Society who competed in a T20 Cricket Match as part of a Western Bulldogs community engagement project, “More Than a Game”.

The casual match was held at Hatt Reserve Williamstown on Sunday the 29th of January with the aim to engage young men in the Islamic community in the west.

The project is facilitated by the Western Bulldogs community arm, SpiritWest Services.

“More than a Game” is a project funded by the Federal Attorney General Department’s through its Building Community Resilience grants program and involves the Western Bulldogs’ working with the Newport Islamic Society on a 12 month young men’s development project.

Members of the Victorian and Australian Federal Police, including Hobson’s Bay City Council representatives actively participated in the exciting affair that was followed by a complimentary community BBQ.

Youth from Newport Islamic Society will participate in an upcoming youth leadership camp in late February to develop valuable life skills in leadership, communication and cohesive social participation.

The group, comprising many aspiring footballers, will also compete in the upcoming March 25th Unity Cup.