Enjoy your Christmas break, but be ready to work upon return was the advice  Brendan McCartney gave the Bulldogs playing group at last night’s EJ Whitten Social Club event.

McCartney is encouraging the players to unwind over the festive season, but warned they will not be eased into training the first week back.

Impressed with their attention and commitment, McCartney also praised the playing group for their application to the pre-season program.

Watch the full interview with Brendan McCartney on BulldogsTV's YouTube Channel by clicking here.

For more information on the EJ Whitten Social Club, click here.

“Our aim is to be as prepared as we possibly can and to do that we have to train them hard and keep them at the club for long hours,” McCartney said.

“Every day they have given us everything that they’ve got, their attention, their commitment to the program… out of our ten or twelve really hard training days I can tick all boxes on ten or eleven. They’ve been terrific.

“When they break for Christmas we are going to show them what the first week back looks like.”

A firm believer of leading by example, McCartney has been impressed by the Bulldogs senior group in their attitude towards the heavier, more physical workload.

 “I have enormous respect for how our experienced players go about their work,” he said.

“They turn up fresh every day, when they train they are always at the front of the group and I really believe that rubs off eventually when young kids come into the group.

“You have got to work hard from when you walk in the door until when you leave."

The increased physical component and uncompromising work ethic and attack on the ball will be firmly in the recruiters’ minds as the Bulldogs finalise the playing list next week in the pre-season and rookie drafts.

“I would like us to be a team that when you come and watch us there is an uncompromising attack on the ball, that we put a lot of pressure on the ball, that we put a lot of pressure on the opposition and don’t allow them to do what they want,” he said.

“If we do bring them in we are going to err on the side of competitive people who have a crack…and they don’t mind putting their body on the line to help the Bulldogs look like a better footy club.

“They work, they listen, they do as they are told but not all the time, they are still smart enough and mature enough to question at the right.”

The Bulldogs have one pick in the pre-season draft as well as up to five rookie draft selections.

Both the pre-season and rookie drafts will be held on Tuesday December 13.