Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Footscray Football Club Limited (trading as Western Bulldogs) will be held at Etihad Stadium on Thursday 16th December 2010, commencing at 5.00pm, to receive and consider the 2010 Financial Report, Directors Report & Independent Audit Report, announce Office Bearers and Directors, appointment of Auditors, present Life Memberships and to consider any other business of which 28 days notice has been given in writing to the Chief Executive signed by 20 Financial Members.

The meeting also resolves to alter the Constitution of the Club in accordance with the proposed alterations, a copy of which has been made available to members for inspection at the Club’s registered office during normal business hours and a further copy of which has been posted on the Club’s website.

Notice is hereby given to Members who wish to nominate candidates for election to the Board that nominations must be delivered to the Chief Executive no later than 5.00pm on Thursday 11th November, 2010.  Nominations shall be in writing and signed by the candidate and by any two of an Ordinary Member, Social Club Member or Life Member who have each been a member for at least 12 months.

Nomination forms are available by calling Wayne Tattersall on 03 9680 6125.

By order of the Board
Campbell A. Rose - Chief Executive

For directions to the venue click here.