Further strengthening the relationship between the Western Bulldogs and Victoria University (VU), selected Diploma of Remedial Massage students will this year be offered a massage cadetship with the Club. Offering students the valuable opportunity to practice their skills in an elite sports environment, students will get ‘hands on’ with players throughout training and, crucially, post game.

Since 2008, students studying massage courses at VU have had the chance to volunteer at the Western Bulldogs to provide sports massage, supervised by the Club’s myotherapist and physiotherapist. Thanks to the mutual success of the informal arrangement, the Club and VU have now decided to introduce this formal paid work experience program.

For the Club, the benefits of the cadetships include being a cost-effective way to provide players with regular and planned remedial massage that contributes to on field performance, and solidifying our commitment to educating the community. Students will benefit by satisfying their required Learning in the Workplace unit of study, gaining experience in the Medical team of a recognised and iconic sports brand, and enhancing their employability after graduation.