What sporting icon did Bulldogs Captain Matthew Boyd have plastered across his walls growing up? Catherine Ellis from AFL Media finds out in her exclusive interview with the skipper where she also discusses Boyd’s long road to the Whitten Oval.
Slipping through the 2001 AFL National Draft, Boyd stepped out of the junior ranks for VFL team Frankston for a season - unwilling to let go of his AFL aspirations.
“It was pretty disappointing not to get rookie [drafted] but thought best to keep the AFL dream alive and go play in the VFL,” Boyd said.
Eventually earning his chance through the 2002 Rookie Draft, Boyd, a then 20 year old with bleach blonde locks was adamant to make the most of it.
Almost a decade later the midfielder has become an inspirational leader both on and off the field. 
“I pinch myself at times … you sort of don’t believe that you could be still hanging around after ten years, starting on the rookie list and not really, I guess, rating my ability to play at the level initially,” he said.
“You get a bit of confidence and work really hard and anything can happen.”