Proposed Bulldogs HomeGround initiative

As part of our commitment to consultation with the local community, the Western Bulldogs Football Club in partnership with HomeGround Services will be hosting a community information evening on Tuesday 15 December 2009 at the Whitten Oval in relation to the proposed Bulldogs HomeGround initiative.

Bulldogs HomeGround is an innovative community housing and sports initiative which if developed, will continue the transformation of the Whitten Oval from a redundant football focused asset to a vibrant hub hosting a range of valuable community based uses.

The informal information session is being held to allow interested community members to learn more about the proposal. The project team will be on hand to let you know more about what is being proposed, to answer any of your questions and to listen to your ideas to help further shape the proposal.

Feel free to drop into the foyer of the main administration building anytime between 5.30pm through to 7.30pm.

If you are planning on coming, if you could drop us an email at or call the club on 9680 6100, mainly to give us a feel for numbers and catering.