With the Western Bulldogs’ pre-season campaign commencing just yesterday, the team’s time abroad in London will have a much greater focus than just the exhibition game. 

The Bulldogs see the time away as an opportunity for the young group to bond just as it is a chance to kick start the pre-season with true match conditions, according to Football Manager James Fantasia.

"You're a little bit compromised because of the restrictions around players' annual leave, but we just thought it was a really good opportunity because we've got such a young group that we take them away, and rather than just play the game, turn it into a pre-season camp,” Fantasia told The Age.

''For us, the bonding is as important as getting the conditioning into them.''

Joining the group will be recently acquired Bulldogs Koby Stevens and Tom Young who could both line up for their first match alongside their new teammates within the first week of pre-season training. 

"This was their first day, and tomorrow they go away with the boys. I don't think you could get a better way of getting to know the group," Fantasia said.

While the Bulldogs were restricted to just one training session with the full group before flying out Tuesday evening, a number of players have been taking advantage of the Club’s “open door” policy using the Whitten Oval facilities to maintain and build fitness over the break. 

"It's been completely up to them, but most have bobbed up at some stage just to do a session here and there, and that's been really pleasing."