The Western Bulldogs will continue to shine a light on the importance of organ and tissue donation through an extension of their partnership with the Organ and Tissue Authority (DonateLife).

The Bulldogs partnered with DonateLife for two years in 2021, and have now extended that relationship for a further two years.

The partnership focusses on raising awareness about organ and tissue donation, and encouraging members to register and talk to their families about this important topic.

The Bulldogs are proud to be supporting DonateLife Week, which runs from Sunday 23 until Sunday 30 July. DonateLife Week is Australia’s major public awareness campaign to encourage more Australians to sign up to the Australian Organ Donor Register.

The Bulldogs hosted six-year-old Chloe at the Club recently, with players and staff hearing her heart-felt story of desperately needing a liver transplant when she was an infant.


“We have been proud to partner with DonateLife over the last few years, and play our role in amplifying the truly lifesaving work they help facilitate,” said Bulldogs’ CEO Ameet Bains.

“As a club we’ve been fortunate to have been visited by many people who have been directly impacted by organ donation.  We’ve heard their stories and been touched by the impact that organ donation can have for so many Australians.

“We will continue to promote the importance of joining the register and helping those in need.”

Anyone in Australia aged 16 and over can join the Australian Organ Donor Register.  It only takes one minute to sign up at, or with three easy taps in the Medicare app.

“This DonateLife Week, we’re encouraging all Australians to sign up and support organ and tissue donation,” said Organ and Tissue Authority CEO, Lucinda Barry AM.

“We know 80% of Australians aged 16+ support organ and tissue donation—yet only seven million are actually registered. The number should be closer to 16 million.

“There are around 1800 Australians currently waiting for organ transplants, just like little Chloe, who need our help.

“Don’t forget to tell your family you want to be a donor.  Someone’s life may depend on it.”

The Organ and Tissue Authority leads DonateLife, the Australian Government’s national program to improve organ and tissue donation, so more Australians have access to a transplant.

To find out more about DonateLife, or to register as an organ and tissue donor, visit the website.