FOR YOUNG gun Dylan Addison, season 2008 was all about finding a permanent spot in the Bulldogs side.

Up until round 17, the 21-year-old New South Welshman achieved that. He played every game, stepping up to become a reliable member of the Dogs' 22.

However, a knee injury sustained against Carlton in late July halted what had been his best season. Addison didn't play another senior game, and despite trying valiantly to get back into the side through the VFL, missed the Dogs' finals campaign.

"It was a little bit hard, but you can't really be too disappointed when they're out there playing finals football," Addison told

"It hurt a bit but I couldn't be too down when they were playing so well."

A week into the Bulldogs' pre-season campaign, a refreshed and rejuvenated Addison has now set himself the goal of getting his knee's mileage up after receiving the all clear from the doctors.

"The knee is fine, it's all structurally good now and it's just a matter of getting lots of running into it, and the miles back into it," he said.

"Structurally, it was alright when I was playing for Williamstown, but the running and the kicking put me back a little bit.

"But now I've had three weeks off since the season and it's all rested up and good to go".

Addison is back in full training after a jam-packed hiatus from football. The youngster recently embarked on a team trip to Bali, went home to celebrate his 21st birthday in Sydney, and then travelled to Thailand with his girlfriend.

On Wednesday, it was back to work for the midfielder with a session at Whitten Oval bouncing him back into football mode and motivating him to improve further.

"I want to focus on my endurance-based running this pre-season," he said.

"As far as the season is concerned, I'd like to set the bar a bit higher after I get the body ready to go for a big year.

"It's all very physical at the moment, with weights and stuff.

"Up until I hurt my knee this year I was pretty happy with the way I was going. Playing back to back games helped with my confidence a lot.

"Hopefully I can grow again next year and take it a step further. With 'Westy' retiring, it will be tough to cover him, so it will be interesting in the midfield.

"I'm looking forward to the challenge."