The Western Bulldogs are pleased to announce that in 2010 it has achieved a record breaking membership number!

Currently the Western Bulldogs have 34,283 signed up Members, but we have our sights set on the illustrious 35,000 by 5pm Wednesday 30th June.

Scott Seward, General Manager Consumer Operations & Development said today “the Club has worked extremely hard to achieve these great numbers but we understand the job is not complete as yet, we would like to break the 35,000 member barrier in 2010 and if just 20 percent of the 4,026 unrenewed members from 2009 joined us in 2010 that will be an accomplishment in itself!”

Seward went on to explain “Since 2005, membership numbers have been growing and growing. We have increased our membership number by nearly 15,000 in 5 years which is a great achievement. This is an outstanding reflection on our Members and supporters who have been so loyal to us over the years.”

Membership is the life blood of the Club and we thank everybody for their ongoing support and dedication. To avoid disappointment in 2011, secure your level of membership TODAY by signing up to our Bulldog for Life auto renewal program. With Bulldog for Life there is no need to worry about losing your reserved seat or Social Club status as we roll this over each year.

For more information on 'Bulldog for Life' or anything membership related click here

Go Dogs!