Incoming Bulldogs President, Peter Gordon has told The Age how the Club has been busy looking at how the globe’s most successful professional sporting leagues continue to balance the interests of larger and smaller franchises.

"From the Bundesliga, to the English Premier League to the NFL to the NBA. There are lots of such competitions and it seems fairly evident that all of them have smaller and larger franchises.

"It also seems very clear that there are a range of policies with respect to the distribution of what might be called core or central revenues," Gordon said.

"I am studying it by not just reference to the way it works in the AFL but the way it works in elite sporting competitions all around the world."

Gordon made the comments in a week that Collingwood Football Club posted a $7.83 million profit for 2012, the Pies also revealing they invested $21.17 million in their football department up $1.75 million on last year.

"I want to spend a little bit of time understanding the area before I dip my toe into the water into what the appropriate AFL position ought to be or, indeed, what the appropriate Western Bulldogs position would be.

"What I do say is every club should aspire to be like Collingwood. They are, obviously, an icon of the AFL, tremendously well-run and their financial result is a great credit to them."  "The Bulldogs is essentially a break-even result this year based on a lower spend in its football department than is the median spend. That is one of the things that we are seeking to address,'' Gordon said.

“Clearly we need to focus hard on improving everything we do. In saying that I of course mean no disrespect for the monumental efforts which have been made to get the Club into the position that it is now, but we now face the future in one of the most competitive sporting environments in the world.

In a wide reaching interview series with Bulldogs TV, Gordon has emphasised the Club’s priority to further inject ‘muscle’ into the Dogs Football Department.  

“In 2013 we will be taking into the AFL Season the best resourced, highest paid and most powerful supported team in the Club’s history - we will have invested more money into the infrastructure of the Club and the Football Department and Specialist Resources than we have in the Club’s history.

“… we’ve made a major investment in upgrading the money and the quality and the size of the football department which supports our players.

"We need to ensure that department continues to improve itself and has benchmarks for improvement so that we get the best productivity out of that, which reflects upon our performance on the field.

"Because whilst we do take a more powerful football department into the competition than we ever have before we need to be realistic about the fact that each and every one of our competitors is improving at, at least the same rate."

Gordon said the best thing that Bulldog fans could do to support the Club was to be a member.  

“We work and improve and get better together as a team. Not just the team on the field but the broader team of people who love and support the Bulldogs - and the fact that we are energised and harnessing resources only gets stronger with every member who recommits and every supporter who makes the effort to renew even if they haven’t done it for a couple of years.

"Because that team effort is what is critical to delivering better result overall."