Strategic Operations Manager Ben Graham will not let his elite kicking skills go to waste behind a desk, with part of his multifaceted role targeting kicking efficiency amongst the current Western Bulldogs playing group.
One element of his new position will be an on field role, allocating time each week to help a developing squad of players with their goal kicking, general efficiency and confidence.
“I will be out on the field at least once a week, I will be working with a group closely on kicking efficiency and goal kicking and setting up a program,” Graham said.
“You will be able to see a distinct difference in their ability to kick a football.
“Obviously you want to win the contested ball, you want to be very high in kicking efficiency and you need to kick goals to win games of footy – so I will be working closely with players that identify that [they] need help in that area.”
The newly created role will hold a range of responsibilities across the football department, with both administrative and on field components.

Assisting General Manager of Football James Fantasia, Graham will take a more long term view at the composition of the Bulldogs football department heading into 2020.
In the short term, he will also have a hand in the development of the Western Bulldogs VFL side, set to join the competition in 2014.
“I have a quite defined role in two parts, the first part is the admin side and that’s taking some of the load off James Fantasia as General Manager,” he said.
“One of the things I will get my teeth stuck into straight away will be helping setting up the VFL team – the stand-alone team – for 2014, which is something I am looking forward to.”
Graham will also assist Senior Coach Brendan McCartney in managing the football program across each of the departments.
“On the football side of it, given my experience and relationships…. I will have a football role both on and off the field,” he said.
“So it will help oversee the program, it will help run the program and keep driving home the key messages and the bottom line too is to make sure that Brendan McCartney can be the best coach he can be.”