Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) CEO Mike Wilson is raising adrenaline to defeat type 1 diabetes, agreeing to sky dive this Saturday in a full Western Bulldogs kit to raise money for the good cause.

Wilson is willing to make things personal taking part in Jump to Cure Diabetes - joining over 100 people Australia wide who will take to the skies to raise funds for research into type 1 diabetes.

Jump to Cure Diabetes is expected to raise over $100,000 throughout March.
Wilson - who is a father of two and a well-respected research commentator - believes his personal involvement will confirm his undying commitment to JDRF’s mission.

The Red, White and Blue hoops will also feature due to JDRF Australia President Sue Alberti’s generosity to the campaign with the highest bidder choosing Wilson’s outfit on the day.

Sue Alberti is also a Western Bulldogs Board Member making it fitting that he don the Bulldogs playing kit as he takes the plunge.

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is the world’s largest charity dedicated to type 1 diabetes research.

To check out Mike's fundraising page, click here.

To donate to this charitable cause and support JDRF CEO Mike Wilson in his Jump to Cure Diabetes, click here.