The Western Bulldogs will be implementing a new program to acknowledge the consecutive years of service members have provided to the Club.

This program will see your consecutive years of membership printed on the back of your membership card in 2014 with other rewards and competitions to be implemented in the future as the program develops.

The consecutive years of membership reflects the number of years you have been a member without letting your membership lapse. A review of our historical database was conducted and the number of consecutive years of membership on our records was printed on your 2013 Membership renewal form.

In some instances where data from old membership systems was inaccurate, we may have got your consecutive years of membership wrong. If that is the case with your membership, we’re really sorry.

Please help us to update our information by calling 1300 GO DOGS (46 36 47) to let us know what the correct number should be and we’ll update your consecutive years of membership in your account.  

We are continuously striving to improve our service to members and we thank you for your support.  

Should you have any further feedback about membership, please let us know by emailing