ROBERT Murphy says the original Rocky was the best Rocky film. But although Rocky became world champ, Murphy isn't willing to look that far ahead for his beloved Bulldogs.

The 26-year-old, who celebrated his birthday earlier in the week, was talking about club facilities in relation to the Bulldogs move to new facilities, saying both were good.

"Have you seen Rocky 4? With Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa, and he managed to do OK, but a gym's a gym – you've still got to lift the weights," he said.

"I quite liked our old facilities – they were pretty worn-in, but with plenty of blood, sweat and tears.

"But the new one's pretty exciting and pretty slick as well, so it's hard to put a measure on it."

But Murphy refused to be drawn on how far the in-form Dogs could go, mindful of last year's fade-out.

"Weeks are going so quickly, and you spend most of your time recovering or getting up for that week, so it's too dangerous to look too far down the track," he said.

"I'd be too worried to look anywhere past the game this week against Brisbane – they're a great side, and we'll have our work cut out for us.

"The competition's that close, even when there's big blow-outs in scores, a lot of the games are pretty tight – I think Fremantle are showing that, they haven't had a win for a while, but they're really competitive.

"So you don't want to start counting your chickens."

But Murphy did concede the team was getting closer to playing the brand of football that it wanted to play.

"I think we're starting to get close to the sort of football we want, as players, to play.

"We mark ourselves pretty hard, and I think we're getting to that stage.

"Whether it gets us to the finals and wins us finals, who knows?"