The Victorian Opposition’s collusion with the Greens is putting in jeopardy a major redevelopment in the western suburbs – and the future of the Western bulldogs Football Club, the Planning Minister Justin Madden said today.
Mr Madden today visited the $30 million redevelopment of Whitten Oval which is now under threat after the Liberal Party agreed to let the Greens Party oppose the project in the State Parliament.

Greens Party MLC Colleen Hartland will tomorrow move a disallowance motion to stop the Planning minister being the responsible authority for the development which struck an impasse at Maribyrnong Council.

Ms Hartland is moving this motion with the endorsement of Liberal Party Upper House Leader David Davis. Ms Hartland is seeking to move a disallowance to Amendment C75.

“I am deeply disappointed that the Western Bulldogs are being made a political football by a backroom deal between the Liberal and Greens parties,” Mr Madden said.

“The Greens are only able to bring on this frivolous disallowance motion because they have the support of the Liberal Party on this issue.

“It shows again that Ted Baillieu and the Liberal Party oppose everything and stand for nothing.

“Mr Baillieu and his Liberals certainly do not stand for investment in the western suburbs or the long-term viability of the Western Bulldogs – the Liberals think the western suburbs and the Western Bulldogs are just political playthings.

“The Brumby Government is standing up for the Western Bulldogs, the western suburbs and Victorian football clubs.

“The Opposition Leader Mr Baillieu must back down and order a stop to the Liberal Party’s disgraceful deal with the Greens political party, which is threatening the long-term security of the Western Bulldogs.”

Mr Madden said the Western Bulldogs enjoyed a proud tradition at the Whitten Oval since 1883. 

“If the Opposition support this disallowance motion, they will put the Western Bulldogs Football Club in a precarious financial situation,” he said.

In July, Mr Madden intervened at the request of the Western Bulldogs Football Club, the AFL and Victoria University to secure the future use of Whitten Oval redevelopment, would see improved sporting and community facilities brought to the people of the western suburbs.

Mr Madden said the disallowance motion brought forward by the Greens party was frivolous and grounded in extreme political ideology.
Western Bulldogs President David Smorgon thanked Minister Madden and his goverment for their continued support and agreed that the Western Bulldogs financial future was reliant on the completition of the Redevelopment.
"What would we do with this if we can't complete it?" he asked today while standing in the John Gent Stand that has now been gutted in preparation of construction of the new Club headquarters and home to Victoria University's School of Human Movement.