In an exclusive interview with BulldogsTV, Peter Gordon, the incoming President of the Western Bulldogs, has spoken candidly about his passion for the Club and his ambitions for its future.

The in-depth interview, to be released as a series in the lead up to the Bulldogs’ Annual General Meeting - provides an insight into a man who is committed to the Club and a strong future, both on and off the field.

Watch Peter Gordon's exclusive interview with BulldogsTV on the media player above.

In the first of the series, Gordon has told BulldogsTV that there is something very unique about the Club and its history and its battle against the odds to defy expectations.

“It (the Club) has been a fantastic part of my life and my family’s life as it has for so many of our members and supporters.

“I was thrilled to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, I’ve been really honoured to be the no. 1 Member, I’ve been a past President - I never thought I’d have this opportunity again and in some senses it’s a second chance delivered to too few people to do something special and I am determined to make the most of it for the benefit of the Club and its future”.

Gordon also touched on his ambitions for the future of the Club as it moved into a new, exciting chapter.

“Clearly we need to focus hard on improving everything we do. In saying that I of course mean no disrespect for the monumental efforts which have been made to get the Club into the position that it is now, but we now face the future in one of the most competitive sporting environments in the world.

“Each and every one of the 18 Clubs is striving to make more money and use that money to be as competitive as it can be on the field.

“We need to continue that process - we need to constantly look at ways to improve our revenues and our income from every source - that includes continuing  to rely upon and build the support of our Members.

“I think everyone knows we have the most loyal and fiercely supportive members and fans in the AFL. We need to build upon the financial support of those supporters who are in a position, because of their success in business in the past, to make a more significant contribution.

"We need to build our links with the Western Region, with industry in the western region to make sure we have more corporate support.  

“We also need to work on excellence in every one of the areas in which we operate.

“As I said, we’ve made a major investment in upgrading the money and the quality and the size of the football department which supports our players. We need to ensure that department continues to improve itself and has benchmarks for improvement so that we get the best productivity out of that, which reflects upon our performance on the field.

"Because whilst we do take a more powerful football department into the competition than we ever have before, we need to be realistic about the fact that each and every one of our competitors is improving at, at least the same rate.

Gordon said the best thing that Bulldog fans could do to support the Club was to be a member.

“We work and improve and get better together as a team. Not just the team on the field but the broader team of people who love and support the Bulldogs - and the fact that we are energised and harnessing resources only gets stronger with every member who recommits and every supporter who makes the effort to renew, even if they haven’t done it for a couple of years. Because that team effort is what is critical to delivering better result overall."

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