Nineteen young Muslim men from Newport Islamic Society and Youth Victoria recently participated in a youth capacity building camp as part of Western Bulldogs Building Community Resilience Program, “Generation M”.
Held at “The Summit” in Trafalgar East, the three day camp was designed to test the young people’s leadership, communication and social participation skills through a variety of physically and mentally challenging activities.
“Generation M” builds on the Club’s highly successful “More than a Game” - delivered in partnership with the Newport Islamic Society - which aimed to strengthen the skills, competencies and abilities of the young people to address the various factors that can lead to violent extremism.
The new program has been expanded to include more participants from Youth Victoria as well as a female component that was showcased in a recent performance at the 2013 Unity Cup.
The Western Bulldogs work closely with the Newport Islamic Society, Youth Victoria and a variety of relevant partner agencies, including the Victoria and Australian Federal Police to deliver Generation M which is funded under the Federal Attorney General’s Building Community Resilience program.
Western Bulldogs would like to thank its partner agencies for their ongoing support of this valuable community initiative delivered in the Bulldogs heartland, Melbourne’s West.