They may not have heard it before, but the Western Bulldogs theme song will forever hold a special place in the lives of Australia’s newest citizens.

The Sons of the West song concluded an Australian Citizenship Ceremony this morning at the Elite Learning Centre where 59 conferees from Africa, Asia and Europe were granted Australian citizenship.

33 adults and 26 dependents (children under the age of 18) were officially recognised at the ceremony which was hosted by the LeasePlan Western Bulldogs in conjunction with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

They received an official “Welcome to Country” from Wurunjderi Elder Doreen Garvey Wandin before taking part in official proceedings.

In welcoming the new citizens, the Hon. Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Employment Participation and Federal Member for Gorton, congratulated the Western Bulldogs on their continued work with multicultural communities.
“Sport is one of the greatest means of helping new arrivals settle into our community. It helps promote teamwork, belonging and dedication. As we have seen here today, you are never too old to become an Australian citizen,” he said.

Members of the official welcoming party included the Minister, Victorian State Director for DIAC, John Williams, Western Bulldogs President David Smorgon, Western Bulldogs Chief Executive, Campbell Rose and Acting Mayor for Maribyrnong City Council, Catherine Cumming.
Western Bulldogs Chief Executive, Campbell Rose, believes the Club can play an important part in welcoming multicultural communities into Australia.
“We are committed to welcoming new citizens into our environment and there is no better way to do that than by sharing with them the passion of Australian Rules football through our culture here at the Western Bulldogs. We welcome them into our new home the Elite Learning Centre and hope they can share our passion for the red, white and blue as new members of our community."
Amongst the new citizens was 96-year old Thi Huan Hua from Vietnam who will now take up residency with her family members after being in the country previously on a parent visa. She was one of five conferees over the age of 60 that attended this morning.

As well as receiving a certificate of acknowledgement from DIAC, each new citizen was presented with a native tree and Western Bulldogs showbag from the welcoming party. As a final act they sung their new national anthem followed by the Bulldogs theme song.
Some of the Australia’s newest citizens have now headed to the MCG to watch the Bulldogs match against Brisbane. Viewing what is regarded as an intrinsic part of Australian culture will be the ideal way to complete the first day of their new citizenship.

DIAC representatives and the Minister will also attend the game at the President’s Club luncheon where David Smorgon will make a special presentation.

The Western Bulldogs have been involved in running citizenship ceremonies in conjunction with the Maribyrnong City Council for several years as part of its community programs division SpiritWest Services.
Following the success of this morning’s event, future citizenship ceremonies are planned to be held at the ELC.