Name: Kim Ebb
Guernsey number: 12
Instagram: @kim_ebb
Nickname: Kimbo
Occupation: Hairdresser/petrol attendant
Sporting highlight or greatest achievement to date: Helping establish the first girls football team i played for at Ferntree Gully in 1999.
If you weren't a footballer, what would you be doing: It's hard to imagine.. probably would have built up my hairdressing career and continued my studies in building design. Football has always been number one.
Motto you live by: Eat. Sleep. Footy. Repeat.
If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: My best friend
Morning or Night person? Night!
Preferred timeslot to play matches: Probably day, I get too nervous when i have all day to think about a night match
Match day superstitions: Running around completely unorganised that morning, not so much superstition as it is bad habit!
Worst injury you have had: Dislocated knee
How many texts would you send a day: Maybe average, 10
Phone app you couldn't live without: I’m still in the 90's what’s an app?
Favourite sport other than footy: Is there any other sport?? na... athletics or basketball
Tea or Coffee: COFFEE
Savoury or Sweet: Total sucker for both
Go to pump up music pre game: Motley Crue, Muse, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, anything heavy metal or rock.
Favourite Movie: Blow, Almost Famous,
A League of Their Own
Favourite TV Series: Dexter
If you could be on a TV series, what would it be? Haha maybe not Dexter.. The walking dead