Being involved in an AFL football club forces you to grow up faster than average. From the age of eighteen you are thrown to the wolves and expected to relate appropriately with all ages, and people from all walks of life. One day you are conducting a clinic with six year olds, the next you are speaking to the CEO of a club sponsor. There is no occupation which demands interpersonal skills like that of an AFL footballer.
Given this, it is understandable that most grow up fast, and this was made clear to me on my first day at the Bulldogs. I arrived at Princes Park for a time trial and met seven other returning players for the first time. ‘Stunned’ would be the word used to describe the first ten minutes conversation when I learnt that:
-          Matt Boyd had just returned from his honeymoon;
-          Daniel Giansiracusa was planning his December wedding;
-          Bobby Murphy had just had a son; and
-          Daniel Cross had just become engaged.
What ever happened to the mid-twenty single male cruising through life without a worry in the world? They’re still out there, however this AFL caper seems to have started the Bulldog clan early.
And things haven’t stopped there………..
In addition to the exciting events mentioned above, my first eight months at the club also witnessed:
-          Peter Street having a child;
-          Brian Lake having a child;
-          Dale Morris becoming engaged;
-          Adam Cooney having a child;
-          Ben Hudson becoming engaged;
-          Bobby Murphy becoming engaged; and
-          Lindsay Gilbee soon to be engaged...
Also, with West, Akermanis, and Welsh all expecting, the Dogs could have an embarrassment of riches via the draft in eighteen years time. Let’s just hope the father/son rule is enforceable in 2026!!