The Western Bulldogs today announced that the Board has decided not to renew the contract of Senior Coach Rodney Eade beyond the end of the 2011 Season.

Following a robust internal process, involving extensive deliberation and consideration, the Club has determined that after seven years it is time for change. 

While this has not been an easy decision - we have determined it is in the best interest for the team and organisation as we move forward.

Ultimately after seven years we have decided that a new approach and direction is required to reinvigorate the Club and maximize the opportunity to get the most out of our playing group.

While the Club has made the decision to move in a different direction for season 2012 we would like to sincerely thank Rodney for his contribution to the Bulldogs.

Since his arrival in 2005, Rodney’s achievements are considerable. While we were unable to achieve the ultimate prize during Rodney’s seven years as Senior Coach, he played a key role in establishing what overall has been a successful and consistent on field period for the Club.

We believe that Rodney continues to have much to offer football and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

The Club agreed to a request to finalise this important matter in advance of the season’s end to allow Rodney and his Management to explore alternative opportunities. 

The Club and Rodney have agreed that he will coach out the remaining three games in line with his contract.

The Western Bulldogs’ search for a new Senior Coach starts today.

We want to assure our dedicated members and fans that we have a robust process in place to identify and secure the best possible coach to support the Club going forward.

We will have further to say on the future appointment at an appropriate time.