Following numerous media reports speculating on the future of Western Bulldogs veteran Scott West the Club can now confirm that he will not be a part of the Bulldogs playing list in 2009.
A decision of the match committee and senior coach Rodney Eade was made on Tuesday afternoon that West will no longer remain as a required player due to the club’s focus on developing youth.
Senior Coach Rodney Eade said West had been an outstanding member of the Bulldogs playing group for 17 years, winning seven Club Best and Fairest Awards, and leading by example both on and off the field.
“Westy has been an integral part of our leadership group and it has been devastating to see someone who has played so many years with minimal injuries to finish his career in such frustrating way. He is regarded as one of our all time great players and we hope to honour him in the coming months the way a Club legend should be honoured.”