An un-interrupted pre-season and a new mentoring role has breathed new life into Western Bulldogs defender Brian Lake, with the 30 year-old looking forward to once again cementing his place in the Club’s senior line-up.

After a horror 2011 Season with injuries where he claims “everything possible that went wrong did” Lake’s confidence has been buoyed by a preseason with no major setbacks.

Named in the Bulldogs’ NAB Cup squad to take on Carlton this Sunday at Etihad Stadium, Lake now turns his focus to regaining match fitness ahead of the season proper.

To watch the Brian Lake press conference on the Western Bulldogs Youtube channel, click here.

“As soon as I got back out in training - being able to sprint, change direction, jumping as well - it has given me a hell of a lot of confidence,” Lake said.

“I’m reasonably fresh I have dropped a few kilos - that I probably needed to - to help the knee out a little bit and I am very excited.

“For me personally I want to play as much as I can because not being at the highest level for so long I need to get that touch back, that feel back for AFL football.”

Lake expects to play out the first half of Sunday’s match with the aim of building up game time as the NAB Cup progresses.

“I’ll go into half time and see how the body is tracking but most likely [play] the first half,” he said.

While Lake is eyeing Round 1, the dual All-Australian defender plainly stated he’d have no hesitation building match fitness through the Bulldogs’ AFL affiliate Williamstown. Ultimately he just wants to play football.

“It is really a matter for the fitness staff if they think I have played enough game time,” he said.

“So if I do have to play a couple of weeks down for Williamstown to get match fitness then so be it.”

Lake has also added a new dimension to his on-field role, acting as a mentor to the younger compatriots in the back six.

“I guess my role now getting a little bit older and with some of the guys coming through is to be more of a teacher - trying to get the boys around me as best as possible,” he said.

Lake will be a welcome addition to the Bulldogs defensive stocks on Sunday as they line up against Carlton at Etihad Stadium at 5:40pm.

To view the Western Bulldogs’ full NAB Cup squad for Sunday’s match against Carlton at Etihad Stadium, click here.