As part of current ‘Refugee Week’ celebrations, yesterday Western Bulldogs Multicultural Development Officer, Sash Herceg was recognised at a special ceremony, as one of 21 refugees making a tremendous contribution to Victoria.

Recipients are acknowledged for their ongoing contribution to Victoria and for helping others through their involvement in various voluntary programs and community support services.

After growing up in post-war Croatia well into his teens, Herceg moved to Australia with his family in 1996, which he says marked the start of his “new” life.

Lacking confidence the transition was not all smooth sailing for Herceg, but with English skills better than many of the newly arrived migrants to the area, he found himself helping others from the very beginning, acting as translator, during the many meetings with various government departments.  

Soon after his arrival Herceg found a passion for AFL and eventually began playing the game. It was this passion that led him to his current position as a Western Bulldogs Multicultural Development Officer.

In the time he has been working in this position, Herceg has proved instrumental in promoting Australian Football throughout the Western Region. Among his many achievements he has co-ordinated Team Africa’s participation in the AFL International Cup, Implemented the AFL Multicultural Schools Football Program in 30 schools throughout the West, organised the Multicultural Cup for 20 schools and coordinated Cultural Awareness Training for all new level one coaches in the Western Region.

As recognition Herceg was added to the Victorian Refugee Recognition Board and a portrait of himself holding a Sherrin football will be placed on display at the Department of Justice over the next 12 months for all to admire. At the ceremony, he received a certificate from Deputy Premier the Honourable Rob Hulls and was congratulated by Victorian Multicultural Commission chairperson Mr George Lekakis.

From all at the Western Bulldogs, congratulations on such a wonderful achievement.