The Western Bulldogs today suspended Tom Liberatore from playing for the remainder of the season.

The Bulldogs Leadership Group imposed the four week sanction after Tom was located by Victoria Police early Sunday morning heavily intoxicated and in possession of a small amount of a recreational, illicit substance.

Following an interview with Victoria Police yesterday in relation to the matter Tom has been referred to a diversionary program without charge.  

In addition to the suspension the Leadership Group has issued a $5,000 suspended fine and enforced a requirement that Tom undergo Club driven counselling and education and be engaged in full-time employment for the next six weeks.  

Tom will also not be allowed to train with the playing group for the duration of the suspension. 

Bulldogs Chief Executive Simon Garlick said that Tom’s actions went against the core values of the Western Bulldogs Football Club.

“There is absolutely no place for this behaviour at our football club,” Garlick said.

“To say we are all completely disappointed in Tom, is an absolute understatement.  

“We expect Tom to take this time to reflect on his behaviour and the impact it has had on those around him, especially his family, teammates, coaches and all those associated with the Club,” Garlick said. 

“Despite this grave error of judgement  we continue to believe that Tom is a  young man that has the brightest of futures and we are one hundred per  cent behind him during this time.

“Tom has made a mistake - but as one of ours we will help him to learn from this experience and become a better person, and player, for it”. 

Tom has expressed his deep repentance for his actions.

“I am deeply sorry for my actions and want to sincerely apologise to everyone, especially my family, teammates, coaches, supporters and all those connected with the Club, for my stupidity,” Tom said today. 

“I recognise the huge opportunity I have been given - and feel devastated that I have let my team mates and the Club down. 

“I will be doing everything in my power to learn from this and to earn back the trust and respect of those around me.”

The Western Bulldogs have fully co-operated with Victoria Police in relation to this matter and have also informed the AFL of the Club’s actions.