FORGET a white Christmas – this year, the festive season isall green for the Western Bulldogs.

Ryan Griffen and Adam Cooney were on hand on Wednesdayafternoon in Melbourne's Federation Square to help club partners the GouldGroup celebrate its Green Christmas concept, which promotes environmentaleducation and training in sustainability.

The players were joined by children from St Joseph's Primary School, North Melbourne, aswell as Ranger Roo, who is the non-profit organisation's mascot.

"It's good to come down here and join in with thisgroup," Griffen said, after helping out at the handball stand.

"The Bulldogs have a good association with the GouldGroup. We go out to schools and plant trees and vegetable gardens with thekids.

"It's good for the community, and we like to getinvolved and learn more about it as well."

The Gould Group is not only a partner of the club, butsponsors its Multicultural Schools Program, which is run by the Bulldogs'community division, SpiritWest Services.

Both organisations are currently working on a long-termsustainability program for the western region, with the Gould Group responsiblefor conducting education on the environment and providing projects for schools,businesses and the community.

Griffen, who lives with teammate Tom Williams, considershimself to be fairly environmentally conscience – but with room forimprovement.

"I don't think I'm too bad," he laughed.

"But I could probably get better."

The Gould Green Christmas celebrations will continuethroughout this week at FederationSquare, with free festivities including schoolchoirs and bands performing on the main stage, a live webcast, daily visitsfrom Green Santa, and a variety of activities and messages focussed onenvironment, health and wellbeing.