Name: Deanna Berry
Guernsey number: 7
Nickname: D
Occupation: uni student
Twitter handle: @deannaberry07
Instagram handle: @d_bez
The world’s best Instagram account belongs to: Conor Mcgregor
Best piece of advice you have received: You’ll always regret what you didn’t do rather than what you did
If you could have dinner with any three people, who would it be: My Grandpa, Pink & Dane Swan
If you could ask one person to be your mentor, who would it be: Dustin Martin
Player to watch at the Bulldogs: Monique Conti
Who is Grovesy’s favourite: Ellie Blackburn
Match day superstitions: Spaghetti on toast for breakfast
Phone app you couldn't live without: Spotify
Favourite sport other than footy: Water Skiing
Go to music pre-game: RnB
Most embarrassing song on your ipod/phone: Wiggles
If you could be on a TV series, what would it be? The Block
If you had a yacht what would you call it? The Party Pad