Bulldogs backmen Easton Wood and Fletcher Roberts have both received Weetbix Mark of the Year nominations for grabs taken in the Club's 45-point victory over the GWS Giants at Etihad Stadium on Saturday afternoon.

Wood's grab came during the first term, where he launched from three deep in a pack, to clunk the ball over Giants opponent James Stewart and teammate Jason Johannisen.

With eyes only for the football, it was a fearless mark as Wood flew in to take the intercept grab after the Giants launched a high-ball inside their forward 50m from the centre clearance.

Roberts' mark came in the third term, in which a long Robert Murphy ball out of defence hung high in the air, with the young backman making good ground to reach the contest, soar over the top of Giants captain Callan Ward and take the contested mark, while GWS midfielder also flew late to try and spoil.

To vote for either Wood or Roberts as the Weetbix Round 9 Mark of the Year nomination, visit markoftheyear.afl.com.au to vote now.