The Western Bulldogs have a new official pet mascot, Sid the Bulldog.

Sid has jumped on board with the Club for Season 2010 and will be there to cheer the team on at our home games.

The 18 month old pup is already hard at work, as the face of the Bulldogs Pet Membership campaign for 2010.

And as Sid says, you don’t have to be a K-9 to be involved, pet memberships are open to all animals

Pet Membership $30 includes:
•    Bulldogs pet tag
•    Bulldogs travel water bowl
•    Bulldogs dog lead and collar
•    Bulldog in disguise sticker
To join up your pet as  a Member for 2010, click here.

To welcome Sid on board, the Club are running a new competition through its website and official Facebook page to find the cutest Pet Member.

So all you need to do is send your photos to and entries will be posted on the Club’s Facebook page with winners to be announced later in the year.

So whether you have fish, cats, hamsters or dogs all are welcome as Members...the only question is, who is the cutest?