Many of you will have heard the exciting news that next year the Dogs will have our very own team – the Footscray Bulldogs – playing in the VFL.  

Having our own VFL team means we will be able to build our playing group from within – developing the next generation of Bulldogs our way - with grunt and bite. 

To do this properly, and to return footy back to Victoria University Whitten Oval, we need to make sure the Footscray Bulldogs and members have the facilities they deserve and need.  That’s where you come in… 


What is the VFL Program contribution?

This year as a one off, we have included a nominal contribution in your Membership to help us build the critical infrastructure we need to develop our future champions, right here at Victoria University Whitten Oval. 

This contribution is an investment in the development of our future players and champions - the next Liberatore, Wallis and Dahlhaus – who will help take us to glory.   

It is purely voluntary contribution only –  when you renew your membership you can choose to opt out.    


How much is it?

The contribution is as follows:

$20 for Adult members
$10 for Concessions members
$20 for Families (one contribution per family group)

If you pay for your membership in monthly instalments, the contribution will be added to your monthly payments.


Where will my contribution go?

Your contribution will be ring-fenced to help fund the required infrastructure upgrades to Victoria University Whitten Oval to bring it up toVFL competition standard.

While we expect some Footscray Bulldogs games will be played at Whitten Oval in 2014 - to ensure that more games are played at the ground on a  regular basis new infrastructure is required such as change-rooms and coaches boxes. 

- The upgrade will also increase community facilities at Whitten Oval for the benefit of local footy and sport, including junior, women’s and school teams

- The new development will be named the “Sutton Precinct” in honour of one of the foundation Legends of the Bulldogs’ Hall of Fame, Charles Sutton. A statue of Sutton will be included in the project to mark his legacy for the generations of players to come.  

Member contributions will be added to a funding pool that will be made up of contributions from a range of partners.

Further information regarding the plans for the Precinct will be released soon.


Do I have to pay it?

The VFL program contribution is voluntary and we understand that some members may not wish to make it.  If that is the case, you can opt out if you are renewing or buying a membership over the phone, via the internet or in person at Whitten Oval.  

Members that are on the Bulldogs for Life payment plan, with automatic roll-over need to contact the club to have the contribution removed from their package.


What happens if I'm on a Bulldog For Life Payment Plan with automatic renewal?

Bulldog for Life members will start receiving their renewal invoices in the mail from the middle of October.  

On the invoice you will note that the contribution has been added automatically.  

This means that the payment will be made at the same time as your membership.  If you pay monthly, the contribution will be made in equal instalments with your membership.  

However, if you wish to opt-out of the contribution, you simply need to contact the club to let us know, either on 1300 463647 or email and we will remove it from your package.


How do I donate more?

If you’d like to contribute more than the standard amount, a very grateful club awaits!  All you need to do is contact us on 1300 46 36 47.


Do I become a Footscray Bulldogs member?

As a member of the Western Bulldogs, yes, you become a member of the Footscray Bulldogs in 2014.  This will allow you to access Footscray Bulldog home games. 


When can I become a 2014 member or renew my membership?

Membership 2014 will officially go on sale in October.  If you’re thinking of becoming a member or changing your existing membership, our helpful Membership Services team are available now to take your call on 1300 46 36 47.


Should I be looking forward to season 2014?!

Yes absolutely!  We can’t wait for the season to begin and believe that will start the season bigger and stronger than last year.  

Your support is critical to us and we look forward to having you on board.  

Don’t forget to check the website and Twitter (@westernbulldogs) for all the latest draft and trade news during the pre-season.